Good Morning to All!!!
I have a special surprise in the making. I heard that woman forgot Skittles' 2 year blogoversary. So I got together with that other mancat who follows Skittles around.
I know him as Mr. L.S. Siamese, (LS stands for love sick, because he's in love with Skittles too. I don't understand why, but she never bops him on the nose. She bops me on the nose a lot. Do you think that might mean she likes me more?) But his real name is Ike. Weird!

Anyway, Skittles is holding a very special yoga class next Tuesday. And Ike and I have put our heads together. We want to surprise Skittles with a house trashing party to get back at the woman. We are going to surprise her during her yoga class. Neat, don't you think???!!?!

Skittles suspects nothing.
You are all invited on November 18th to trash the woman's house during yoga class. You will find the yoga class here:
The Whole Kitten Kaboodle.Shhhhhhhh! It's our secret. Don't tell Skittles!
Truly Yours,
Sam, The Marmalade Cat & Ike